Quality strategy
Quality is the most important part of our strategy
CYNEL-UNIPRESS Sp. z o. o. (Ltd.) is a leading manufacturer of solder bonds on Polish market.
We have implemented an Integrated Quality Management and Environment System in accordance with the standards of ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015.
We know that the way to the satisfaction of our clients is the constant attention to the high qualifications of our staff and development of technology.
We are also aware of the impact of our activities on the environment and recognizing that its development and environmental protection are inextricably linked and interdependent.
1. Experience
In 1984 Cynel Unipress started producing multicore tin-lead solders, offering a wide range of alloys and wire diameters.
Development of the technology for production of this type of soldering was the result of many years of research done by specialists of the Department of High Pressure Physics and Polish Academy of Sciences in the field of plasticity of materials and their formation under high pressure.
Cynel Unipress was the world's first company to apply this technology in the production of solder.
Cynel Unipress’ products have been widely recognized and used by many manufacturers of electronic, television, telecommunication, electrical and lighting equipment as well as many other industries.
Experience and tradition of Cynel Unipress allows us to offer our products to all those for whom a quick, reliable and precise soldering in the environment of non-corrosive flux is an essential part of their process.
2. Ecology
Our organization has been interested in taking environmentally friendly and decisive actions for several years. In compliance with Cynel Unipress strategy and quality policy, the company pays special attention to the issue of the cleanliness of the environment.
Processes used in the manufacturing of our products do not pollute the environment, and the oxygen issued with our production systems to the atmosphere contains less air pollutants than the air taken from the environment.
Based on our own research and experience Cynel Unipress developed a technology of organic production - lead-free solders which cover the entire range of current uses of traditional solders.
We have taken these steps as a result of an increasingly stringent legislation concerning the environment which is shaped by country’s economic policies, and also because of the overall increase in concern for both parties involved in the affairs of the environment as well as sustainable development of the organization.
3. Technology
Since the launch of production of solders in 1984, Cynel Unipress has continually been developing the technology to produce unique quality solders, thanks to which our products gain recognition of many demanding customers.
The process of melting metal is in a continuous casting process without oxygen, so that the solders offered are perfectly clean and do not contain metal oxides, which may significantly affect the quality of solder connections.
Then solder alloy is subjected to a unique technological forming process under high pressure and further treatment appropriate for the binder. The production process is automated and controlled by modern control systems.
During the manufacturing process, quality and composition of the solder are continuously monitored. It is possible through the use of modern equipment for spectral analysis of the composition of metal alloys. Information obtained in this way affects the decision to release batches of raw material for further processing.
4. Quality
We believe that one of the most important feature of perfect soldering alloy is to ensure constant, quick, reliable and precise soldering process.
What distinguishes us from our competitors is that in order to provide customer satistfaction we not only follow all the current standards during each phase of the production, but develop our own - even stricter (e.g flux content).
We know that the way to the contentment of our clients is the constant attention to the high qualifications of our personnel and development of our offer.
To fulfil that requirement in 2012 we decided to run - first in this region of Europe - production line for solder powders. In 2015 as a result of ongoing close cooperation with INTERFLUX® Electronics NV we introduced advanced solder paste which has been well recieved by the market.
We have been conducting a customer satisfactory survey for years, and the constantly increasing result (over 91% in 2018) makes us believe that we move towards the right direction.